Our Mission

The Women4Cyber Mari Kert – Saint Aubyn Foundation
is a non-profit organisation aimed at promoting, encouraging, and supporting the participation of women in the field of cybersecurity.

of the Foundation:

Identify and link the community: contacts, visibility and networking

  • Identify the Community: Build a structured database of women in cybersecurity
  • Link the Community: provide visibility, help raise the voices of women through print and social media, as well as conferences for networking

Develop & grow the community: awareness, education, training and job market

  • Create awareness and promote best practices
  • Enhance female participation in cyber education
  • Promote visible Role Models
  • Promote tailored training programmes for entry, up-skilling or re-skilling in cybersecurity
  • Enhance the presence of women on the cybersecurity job market
  • Increase the presence of women in cybersecurity Research & Innovation
  • Get more women involved in cyber challenges & exercises

Shape local, national, EU policy and actions with the support of the Women4Cyber network

  • Support and shape policies at EU and national level that are in line with Women4Cyber’s messages

Work and grow the initiative together: structuring the community  

  • Set up a dynamic and sustainable Women4Cyber structure

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